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K11 Drop Mirror

##KEY:400/T%H%X@GL1971}|{? /##
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OLYMPUS MONS - Breit Anders, journalist and celebrity conspiracy theorist, died Wednesday after a 6 mile fall while hiking on Olympus Mons, Mars.

Wind speeds over 60MPH and low visibility due to dust storms are believed to have caused the journalist to stray from the designated hiking path.

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CERES - The XRP Astronautics Refining and Assembly station on Ceres was destroyed today in an act of desperate sabotage. The fringe group 'Neo Luddites United', or NLU, linked with the terrorist Exis organization claims responsibility. The programmer on station (name withheld due to ongoing investigation) was found unconscious and is being treated for neuro stim overdose. It is alleged he reprogrammed the automated systems to self destruct. Social media posts indicate he was an NLU sympathizer.
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PSA - A bulletin has been issued by the TCSA to report sightings of any unidentified vessels to your local Conglomerate authority. This image has been released of a vessel wanted for unauthorized transit in restricted space in the vicinity of Ceres.

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I just managed to make it out by the skin of my teeth.

Since they destroyed my ship I figured it only fair to take one of theirs.

A zippy little protype shuttle.

I also "rescued" all the data cores I could carry and a box of 150 schematic cartridges.

I was investigating the suspicious circumstances around the fork in the master blockchain.

The justification they gave was too trivial to warrant a fork.

It seems the TC bought off enough nodes to get the 51% vote.

I believe I have enough evidence to show it was to cover up a pattern of transactions between false front businesses acting on behalf of the TC and the DVS.

The trail had gone cold until I got a tip that there was something going down at the automated ship manufacturing station on Ceres.

When I got there, the mechons were cannibalizing the ships, the machinery, the buildings, each other...

anything metal…

to make…

origami swans?

It seems the security system and comms were conveniently offline and the mechons were ignoring me.

I did manage to find the one programmer on station…

at least what was left of him.

He was a drooling mess.

Totally jacked.

From all appearances he had a neuro stim habit, had gone off the rails and reprogrammed all the mechons to destroy the entire station.

“Breit, get an implant, then you can jack in with the rest of us” I hear over and over.

This is why I don’t.

Running a trace with my old school datapad it looked like the guy’s brain was sliced by a real pro.

I’ve seen this before, definitely the work of DVS.

Downloading got cut short, as about that time a mechon started showing interest in the metal trim of my envirosuit.

I grabbed what I could carry and headed out.

Outside what was left of the station, I could see TCSA cruisers closing in.

and… that my ship had already been dismantled.

I ran to the last shuttle still standing and blasted a mechon chewing on the aft landing gear.

Man, this ship is fast!

After clearing the station and the asteroid belt, I checked and good ole TCIN was already spinning the narrative even before the TCSA had landed.

Failing to regulate XRP out of existence, my guess is the TC changed tactics.

In any case, I’ve got a contact at the Olympus Mons datacenter who can decode these data cores.

So, next stop, Mars.
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